EBRD—China Forum will Encourage Trade and Investment between Asia and Europe

China and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have planned an event to promote investment between Asia and Europe.

EBRD website states that the event will be attended by over 500 attendees, including high profile international investors and government officials.

The forum will allow participants to discuss a range of issues, including but not limited to, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the financial sector, public-private partnerships, agribusiness, renewable development, and risk mitigation efforts in Asia.

Need for Close Trade and Investment Ties Between Asia and Europe

Asian countries including the Central Asian nations are among the fastest growing in the world. The conference will take place at a time when there is a growing need for investment between Europe and Asia. Initiatives such as the BRI encourage increased trade between the regions.

The fact is that both Asian and Europe will benefit from a trade deal. Some regions in Asia such as Central Asian nations are still not fully integrated with the global economy. Experts say that there is a need for increased collaboration and integration between the East and the West.

Trade link between the East and the West goes years back. Silk Road is the name that is given to the ancient network of trade routes that connected the two regions. The need for increased trade and investment between the nations in these two regions is greater today than ever before.

Europe with its highly industrialized developed markets can play a critical role in infrastructure development through investment in Asia.

China has one of the most developed markets with a large population base serving as a gold mine for companies. The positive investment climate created by the Chinese government will benefit European countries.

Both Chinese and western investors can play a major role in infrastructure development. The convergence organized jointly by China and EBRD aims to encourage investors to invest in emerging developing countries by pointing out the opportunities for investment in Asia.

EBRD Committed to China-Europe Trade Relations

EBRD has shown commitment for a high quality, transparent trade, and investment environment. The agency has supported a competitive investment environment that can be created by promoting the BRI.

At the event, different projects are expected to be highlighted related to infrastructure development in Asia. The event will also highlight opportunities for investors to support the small business sector in the region.

EBRD operates in many Asian countries, financing growth and capital raising projects. The European banking agency, in cooperation with the Chinese government and local financial institutes, aim to promote private sector development in Asia through support from European and local investors.

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