Foreign Investment Law Attracts Global Business Players in Healthcare Sector

China’s Foreign Investment Law was passed earlier this year on 15th March, and it has since garnered immense interest and attention of the international business community.

Roberta Lipson, the CEO of United Family Healthcare, said that global business owners are looking forward to the efficient implementation of the law. She added that she was particularly excited about implementation of regulations that have to do with healthcare investments.

The law, passed by China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), will be effective by January 1, 2020, and it is set to replace the primary laws regulating foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China. It is aimed at easing the global concerns and creating a fair ground for both local and foreign businesses.

As a foreigner who established China’s first foreign-owned hospital, Lipson expressed her contentment with the investment law, saying that it will take away many restrictions from investment in healthcare sector that hinder in national treatment programs.

China is not only a growing economy but also caters to a growing population, which means that the healthcare needs will only increase. This presents a great potential for the healthcare industry which will eventually have to supplement private investment with the domestic system to manage the demand.

Showing her confidence in the law’s ability to encourage business leaders to invest more, Lipson said that continuity in healthcare is very important and she will continue to contribute in this field. She is motivated to bring the latest healthcare technology and practices in China.

United Family Healthcare, headed by Lipson, recently opened a hospital in Guangzhou and has two more projects in pipeline that will be carried out in Shenzhen and Beijing. This continued investment and expansion measures in the Chinese market illustrate Lipson’s optimism for economic development in China.

Lipson expressed that she did not doubt China’s commitment toward protecting the rights of foreign investors. She further added that she was hopeful that the trade conflict between United States and China will soon resolve and both the countries will move toward massive social and economic development.

The Foreign Investment Law was adopted at the closing meeting of the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress. It ordains China to manage its foreign investments through pre-establishment national treatment system plus a negative list, thereby ensuring transparency of foreign investment policies.