Category InvestmentPosted on 0 comments on Investment in Hong Kong’s Fintech Sector

Investment in Hong Kong’s Fintech Sector

Investment in Hong Kong’s fintech firms is blooming at the moment. A recent report published by the South China Morning Post reveals that Hong Kong’s fintech investment stood at US$ 550 million in 2017. The investment in Hong Kong’s fintech sector exceeded that of Singapore. This includes ra…
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Category TechPosted on 0 comments on Hong Kong’s Promising Science Park To Drive Future Innovation

Hong Kong’s Promising Science Park To Drive Future Innovation

Hong Kong’s Promising Science Park To Drive Future Innovation Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po has dedicated an amount of $6.4 billion to drive technological innovation. A significant amount will go to Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technological Park in the Lok Ma Chau …
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Category InvestmentPosted on 0 comments on China’s Belt and Road Initiative to Open Endless Opportunities

China’s Belt and Road Initiative to Open Endless Opportunities

Both China and the United States have been at loggerhead over a good part of the last decade. Considering these relations, it is only intelligent to evaluate which country’s leader has a more sustainable and inclusive foreign policy. United States might have dominated China in the past. …
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