Indonesia and China are set to place a new special fund under Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Jakarta, although cautious of the complexities…
Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam are the top three countries in Asia for China’s One Belt One Road initiative, where Singapore clearly stands as favor…
There has been an increased warming up of ties between the two countries as Beijing wooed the South Asian nation with its mutually beneficial, hefty infrastructural investments. As a result, the trade volume between the two Asian economies has also s…
Capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, is about to witness its first-ever smart city project. Initiated by the Limestone Network, the smart city is a 100-he…
Property technology has become extremely popular in China. About three-fourth of Global Investment in property technology also regarded as ‘PropTech’,…
As the civil unrest in Hong Kong continues, a well known independent economist presents his solution to the civil uproar and protests. Andy Xie believes that china has to take appropriate actions to fix its property market.
In an interview recentl…
A Hong Kong based tech startup plans to use artificial intelligence to reduce the cases of suicide and violence in prisons. This has been made possibl…
The ambitious OBOR initiative that will help the major markets of the world come together with China at the very center will cost over a trillion doll…
The Honk Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) had a remarkable close as six new companies had their debut IPOs on the stock exchange. The HKEX long enjoyed the global IPO crown which recently shifted to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Yesterday’s amazing r…
China has emerged to be the clear challenger to US dominance in the domain of research into AI. The Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has recently…